So far you have paid high commissions to agencies, portals and other intermediaries for your venue (e.g. a conference hotel or an event location) without the same amount of savings being made in the area of distribution or sales.
The previously established portals have usually offered you a holistic inquiry and booking process. Of course, each platform wants to retain full control over customer contact throughout the process.
The usual 10% commission for a complete process including customer advice may be fair, but thanks to ALLOCABO and the existing structures and conditions at event locations, hotels and hotel chains, these are no longer necessary and are therefore inefficient!
ALLOCABO only concentrates on the 2 most important steps of an entire process:
- Customer acquisition
- Handover of an already qualified request with all contact details to the venues
The handover of the qualified inquiries takes place very transparently, including the complete configuration of the inquiries and information about the inquiring customer.
After a customer has specifically selected your hotel or location, you can use the transparent information to make your decision as to whether you want to accept or reject a lead.
Only if you accept a qualified lead will you incur low distribution costs according to our fair pay-per-lead process. These distribution costs are 70% cheaper than the standard market commission.
After accepting a lead, you are in direct contact with your new customer.
You send offers to your customers, you negotiate prices with your customers, you advise your customers and you place your bookings yourself, because no agency or portal in the world knows your product - your hotel or your location - as well as you do!
ALLOCABO is therefore not a classic MICE portal, offers no customer service and is generally not an agency. ALLOCABO is your new, highly efficient online marketing platform for qualified MICE leads!
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