Are you thinking about terminating or deleting your free profile on Then please consider the following information before making your decision.
Venues with public reviews:
After you cancel, we will remove the content you have posted (e.g. images, description texts, etc.). Since your entry already has qualified ratings from meeting and event planners, these will remain publicly visible.
Venues with no existing reviews:
After your cancellation, your entry will be permanently deactivated without you having the option of reactivating it later.
To make sure that we have done everything on our part to clearly show you the essential advantages of ALLOCABO, please allow us the following comments.
ALLOCABO is the new online marketing platform for commission-free MICE business and offers you the following advantages:
- Free hotel presentation without obligation
- Commission-free & direct MICE business through Pay-Per-Lead
- Conference and event inquiries with pre-qualified quality characteristics for acceptance
- Always immediate & direct customer contact (no agency stands between you and your future customers)
- Pay-per-lead prices 70% cheaper than commission
As you can see, there is probably no reason to decide against a presence on
Are you still convinced to cancel your listing? We would be very grateful if you would reconsider your concerns.
You might also find the following help articles interesting:
Commission-free & direct MICE business through Pay-Per-Lead
Build trust through professional reviews from event planners
Where do the ratings for my hotel or location come from?
Were we able to convince you to stay with ALLOCABO?
Or do you really want to deactivate your listing and remove your information despite the many advantages?
Then please send us a message using our contact form and let us know your final decision as well as the url for your public profile on