ALLOCABO uses Google Maps for intelligent searches, geo-data and calculations. The distances shown in the profiles on may partly differ from the real conditions.
Google Maps always gives the distances as geographical distance (beeline).
The advantages of the intelligent search at ALLOCABO are, among other things, that customers can carry out a search from almost anywhere in the world. This also includes train stations, airports or just a specific address (e.g. a company address). The corresponding distance is determined live via our interface to Google Maps.
In some cases, distances are also displayed statically in the profiles of the event locations. This includes in particular the city center of the place in which a hotel or another venue is located. The city centre is also determined automatically by Google Maps.
Please note that the geographical center can partially deviate from the economic center of a city. This can be the case with different information in a profile at ALLOCABO.
If you notice significant deviations, we will be happy to check the geo-coordinates of your city and your profile in order to achieve the most realistic positioning possible.
Please inform us of significant deviations of more than 500 meters by email or using our contact form.
Thank you for your help.